Friday, 29 December 2017

Media Case Study: Red Velvet Advert

The use of intertextuality in this poster is the main thing that I like, and this advert has inspired the look of my advert the most. The film poster styling is something I found very interesting and unique, and I believe that is the USP of the advert. USP's are generally artists names or charting references, so to have the actual advert as the USP is unique and something I want to do. The whole idea of having a film poster styled album advert is one that is not regularly used and therefore would make the whole advert stand out and catch the attention of the audience immediately, causing interest in the group, song and video since the film poster styled advert would link to the music video references. In the video, we reference popular 90's movies Poetic Justice and Clueless, therefore the use of a film poster style advert would directly link to this referencing and the concept of the album title track, in a fun way. 
Of course for my one I would style it as a 90s teen movie, similar to the Clueless and Jawbreaker film posters.

1 comment:

  1. 3 adverts: Very detailed in terms of conventions of page layout, mise en scene and lettering. You have picked a range and the intertextual ad is particularly interesting.
    the 4 minute analysis is as detailed and analytical as the other two, but you need to note that it does not follow the format of A4 portrait, as required for your own advert.


Question 4